The Threshold awaits.
Welcome beautiful being!
Our lives are filled with beginnings and endings, births and deaths.
They are two sides of a sacred whole.
There comes many moments of invitation,.....a doorway, a threshold is revealed.
A threshold to a new reality; a new frontier calls.
Will you walk through?
In this session, you will be supported and guided in your area of desired focus, to enter this sacred initiation beyond the self you have known, into a new reality.
There are many ways The Threshold might call to us.
-You may no longer feel fulfilled by the work that you do.
-Perhaps there is a vision of your contribution to life that is stirring in your soul, that may ask a total reorientation of your life and energy
-Your relationship may have lost its heart, its deep connection,
-Or you long for something that is more authentic to who you are becoming, either in your current relationship, or opening to the new
-There may be something in your life ending, beyond your control. You know you can’t hold on but you can’t seem to let go
-Perhaps, deep in your belly, you know there is a simpler, truer way for you to exist, but the gap between how you live now and where you want to be feels unbridgeable.
-You might realize that you actually wish to live in deeper alignment with your unlimited nature, but you have limited yourself to a hand me down idea of who you are….
….the possibilities are endless.
The Threshold calls to us all in different voices and architectures in the great play of life...
In this 90 minute session we will move through this initiation into a transformational threshold in the context of your current life situation and calling.
We will wake up your inner compass and create a map from the old that is dissolving, to walk through the gateway with trust and courage into your hearts destiny.

Your BIO Here (Story)